Our promise to you

A successful financial plan is based on a balance of adviser and client contact. Under all of our service levels, we follow the same values and promises to our clients. As well as our obligations, and to ensure that you receive the level of service you desire, you also have an important role;

Our promise to YOU

At all times adhere to the principles of independence, discretion and vision.

Act toward all clients without favour and be proactive in advice to you.

Refer you to the professionals who adhere to the same level of intgerity that we have.

Return phone calls and emails within one working day and send you minutes and correspondence of each review.

Your promise to US

When satisfied and comfotable, refer like minded people to us (this allows us to stay focused on our client’s affairs rather then sourcing new clients)

Communicate open and honestly with regard to your satisfaction of our services and add input in areas in which we could enhance our service offering to you.

Attend to the bills and fees of professionals that we may refer you to.

Return phone calls, emails and other correspondence within a reasonable time frame, Also attend and provide input at our meetings.

Contact Us


1800 767 396

1126 Summerland Way WIANGAREE NSW 2474


Corporate Authorised Representative of Bluewater Financial advisers | CAR No. 1284178


AFSL: 411846

M-F: 8:30am-7pm, S-S: Closed

(Other hours by appointment)

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